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In this series, I take you deeper into the story of David and Goliath and provide a background to the story that will connect the dots in a way that will invite you to look at this story from a much larger perspective in Scripture. I will also in the process show you how it all applies to your life right now. I am persuaded there will be an infusion of the Spirit of Faith (yes the Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of  Faith).


Have you ever felt:


  • You were overlooked
  •       You were considered insignificant
  •       You were marginalized
  •       You had no social claim to greatness
  •       You had no credentials that anyone felt were tied to advancement



God hasn’t given us the spirit of timidity! You have been anointed to advance!


There is so much to be said and unpacked in the story of David and Goliath. All too often, even as David was overlooked, there are details in the story that are overlooked and never told. Those hidden details are the key to being “anointed to advance”.


Annointed forAdvancement | 5 MP3

SKU: 50046
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