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All of us face trouble, however, a careful look at the lives of the saints in Scripture, and we discover that trouble keeps them in prayer and teaches them how to bring everything to speech. When that happens, we discover that the Spirit is brooding over the troubling chaos we face and the deep sense of being in the dark when the promise of favor seems to be contradicted by the circumstances we face in our lives, our families, and our culture and society.


Don’t waste your troubles, and don’t waste the things that provoke your spirit to groan and moan before the Lord. The Spirit is brooding over the deep places in your life and the areas you are in the dark about various issues. Hannah’s prophetic song of reversals and revolutions is going to be heard again in this hour. We are going to prophetically declare those things that are not as though they are!


Speak Lord Your Servant Is Listening | 4 Dvd's

SKU: 40230
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